Using Person Centered Practices
to Facilitate Plan Development in Virginia
Curriculum Description
Developed by The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices
Adapted for use in Virginia by David Meadows, Barry Seaver, & Jill White
Person Centered Thinking training developed by The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices (TLCPCP). You will be asked to upload your certification of completion for PCT.
Professionals who are responsible for assisting people develop ISPs, including provider program staff, support coordinators/case managers, assessment professionals, direct support professionals, and family members.
The facilitators will include an instructor endorsed by The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices and a person with experience using services.
This workshop consists of two days that focus on learning the skills necessary to facilitate person centered information gathering and using the information gathered to develop outcomes. The training is designed to be interactive with the audience and to build skills that strengthen person centered practices.
Day One
The first day of training will focus on gathering information by having a conversation with a person who uses services (co-trainer) and others who support him/her, while demonstrating respect and partnership with the individual and those involved in his/her life. Questions to ask, and sorting through answers, will be experienced by the audience in this hands-on workshop.
- The rules for person centered practices during information gathering
- How to gather person centered information for inclusion in the ISP
- Conversation styles
- Sorting the difference between information about what is IMPORTANT TO the person from what is IMPORTANT FOR the person
- Gathering introduction information: what others like and admire about the person
Day Two
The second day of training organizes and synthesizes information so that it becomes useful and contributes to the person’s support plan. Bridging from information gathering to outcome and action plan development will be covered.
- Checking to see that information best describes the person
- Editing a plan
- Learning to sort through What Makes Sense/Is Working and What Doesn’t Make Sense/Is Not Working from multiple perspectives
- Using the Working /Not Working information to develop meaningful outcomes and action plans
- How to start with a one page description
The end result is a beginning draft of the co-trainer’s Individual Support Plan, including possible outcomes, using the Virginia ISP forms.